Genealogy and family history research
Guide Prices
Starter family tree One branch tree including
with four generations of all the siblings with that
direct ancestors surname up to four generations
£350 £250
Additional generation:
£150 (up to 16 people) £150
Hourly rate: £15
This is best for specific items of research.
Daily rate (8 hours): £100
Better for breaking down 'brick walls', ‘tidying up’ and verifying online family trees etc.
Weekly rate (40 hours): £400
For more detailed research into a specified ancestor or family group.
I will give you an indication of the number of hours the research is likely to take.
What is included?
Free initial assessment of the available material.
An outline, drop down family tree.
Research and reporting time.
A digital summary report and analysis of the findings, both positive (what I have discovered) and negative (what I have discounted).
digital copies of online documents and newspaper reports.
travel to local archives.
What is not included?
Copying fees for documents in the county and national archives.
Birth, (1837 to 1916), Marriage and Death certificates (1837 to 1957) ordered from the GRO will be charged at cost (currently £7 for PDFs or £11 for paper copies).
Travel to the National Archives - standard class rail fare to London.
Digital images of photographs of significant sites in your family history, taken at the location. These might be of houses, streets, shops or business premises, gravestones etc.
First location: £20, subsequent locations £15.
Family tree photo book
Your family tree with images of documents, places, maps etc.
£20 plus printing costs.
Family history narrative photo book.
The story of your family with sections on where and how they lived, what they did, who they married and what they died from, illustrated with sections of your tree and images of documents, places, maps etc. £100 plus printing costs.
Family history website
The story of your family with sections on where and how they lived, what they did, who they married and what they died from, illustrated with sections of your tree and photographs of significant places, people etc. £200 including domain name and email subscription for first year.
I will send you sample pages, available in a variety of styles, for you to approve before printing.
£100 per day, £50 for half a day
(pick up from a local railway station, accommodation and other excursions can be arranged through me for 5% commission on discounted prices, deposit payable in advance).
The above are guide prices only, I will be happy to quote a discount package to suit your individual requirements e.g. research, report, local guide, family tree and photo book.